
Monday, September 19, 2011


john lennon said "life is what happens while we're busy making other plans" in the song "beautiful boy" that he wrote for his son sean.  i couldn't agree more... i always have intentions of sticking to a plan, it just seems to never work out that way...

for instance, i had a surprise derm visit today... i wasn't due back there until late next month.  but i know i have mentioned in my previous posts (i think it was scars... & anxiety...) that two of my biopsies from july healed fine at first, then about a week later started getting very DARK... i finally decided to figure out which dr to talk to about them.  i hadn't done that yet because i was pretty sure i was going to end up back at the derm's office.  i was right... the pa (physician's asst) told me it was good i went in because normally they would perform a wle if a biopsy site came back DARK like this, but since the biopsies came back as 2 compound nevus and 1 intradermal nevus we didn't need to.  i knew i didn't want to end up at the derm's office, but at least i now have the pathology report from july.  when i called this morning i was fit right in.  i had been expecting them to say they would see me next month... so when they rushed me in i felt panicky...

my son was at school, but the princess was home with me... i had 45 mins to get 1/2 hour away and no babysitter.  i called my hubby to put him on notice he might have her at work... then my folks to see if they could watch her.  it worked out better than that... my dad came and drove me & princess went to their house with nana.  that way my hubby can work without being on dad duty.  i didn't have to drive. and princess had fun.  so even if they got me feeling panicky in the begining, i am glad it's over... trying to focus on the positives... i won't have to go back to the derm's office for another 3 months and he didn't slice on me today.

the surgery is planned for oct. 5th.  i seem to be much calmer now about it being rescheduled... but that was not a good day.  it was just my luck tho.  seriously, a power outage that affected southern california, part of arizona, and some of baja (mexico) the day before/of my surgery.  then auntie d (aka back-up babysitter) has jury the day after my surgery (the new date) so she is unable to switch days off (like she can every other week).  as you can see i don't have the best of luck.  but i am working on changing that..

just hoping my october plans actually work out... i want surgery to just be over with.  and i want to know it was just precautionary.  just to show i am ned (no evidence of disease).  so even if i haven't had the best of luck i am hoping to change that... actually see this plan through.  i don't want anymore surprises...

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