
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A Day Off...

i just finished my first week of work in about 9yrs... it went well... but i am having a really hard time keeping my mouth shut about melanoma... customers and coworkers need to be warned to check their skin... but i am afraid to expose myself as a survivor... if i do, they could use any excuse to let me go before i pass the probation period... and i was originally hoping to keep quiet until i make full time, but doubt i will make that goal... it is just too difficult to not say something when you see a mole that needs to be looked at... since may 2011 i have been very vocal about sharing my experience in hopes of saving others from experiencing something similar... but with the new job i am trying to keep it to myself... very difficult... in a little over a week i go back to the new derm to get 3 biospies... still only worried about the one on my foot... can handle the 2 on my back... but not looking forward to a foot biopsy then work at 7:30 the next morning... also, my appt is wednesday and i know i work thursday - sunday... won't know when the next day off after biopsy is until this week is over and the new schedule goes up... also, i need to find a new oncologist... i thought i found one... but then my derm told me there is one that works with them that he highly recommends... hubby thinks i need to see that guy... i am torn... i can see the benefits that having 2 of my drs in same building- they might actually better communicate about how best to help me... but, i am huge on instincts also- not that the guy derm recommends give me heeby jeebies or anything... but the oncologist i initially chose gave me a warm fuzzy feel when i was researching her... so should i continue with my gut, and original pick from before i had an ally in tx? or do i go with the dr that my other dr recommends? i have no idea- any feedback is welcome... in the meantime, i procrastinate until i return to derm for biopsies... i am hoping it makes it an easier choice when i know the derm better...

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